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  • Lupi-HCG 5000 IU Injection: What You Need to Know Before Starting Treatment

Lupi-HCG 5000 IU Injection: What You Need to Know Before Starting Treatment


The inability of couples to conceive despite having unprotected sex for over a year is called infertility. The cause of infertility could be either of the partners due to various underlying conditions, such as abnormal hormonal levels, ovulation dysfunction in females, and many other reasons. Infertility could also occur due to stress, excessive weight, poor lifestyle, and unhealthy eating. However, the good part is that infertility can be treated with lifestyle changes and medications. So rather than feeling embarrassed about it, you must consult a specialist as soon as possible to prevent further worsening of the symptoms. Timely consultation will not only help you overcome the condition but will also aid in fulfilling your desire to be a parent.

One of the most popular treatments that has helped people treat infertility and given them the joy of parenthood is HCG. The FDA has approved the use of hcg for treating infertility in both women and men. Amongst the HCGs, Lupi-HCG Injection 5000 I.U has become very popular because of its positive results. If you are among those who have been witnessing infertility symptoms, consult your doctor to know how HCG can be beneficial in treating your condition. Your doctor would formulate the best possible treatment to tackle infertility and increase your chances of conception. In this blog, we will learn the uses, benefits, and other beneficial information about Generic Lupi-HCG 5000 Injection.


Pregnancy test kit, showing result of the test conducted at home.


What is HCG?

Human chorionic gonadotropin, also called HCG, is a hormone that is naturally produced at larger levels by pregnant ladies. The hcg is produced during the first trimester of pregnancy at larger levels, and so it is also referred to as “pregnancy hormone.” Hcg not only helps in tackling infertility among both genders but also maximizes the chances of conceiving and sustaining a viable pregnancy. It belongs to the GPH (glycoprotein hormone) class, which also comprises Luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). All these hormones play a crucial in pregnancy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (5000IU) is available as an injection that can be injected into the veins or muscles. Some people also take it as sublingual drops. Check with your doctor to determine which is more suitable for your condition.

Benefits of HCG

As mentioned above, hcg is helpful in addressing impotency among both males and females. Let us know in detail below how hcg functions in both genders to address the condition.

In Females

  • HCG injection aids in the maturation of the eggs by mimicking the role of the Luteinizing hormone (LH). Later, it triggers the ovaries to release the fully matured eggs during ovulation for fertilization with the male sperm.

  • While addressing infertility issues in women who have irregular ovulation or who do not ovulate at all, the hcg injection helps by inducing ovulation in them and increasing their chances of pregnancy.

  • Hcg enhances the probability of getting pregnant when used in assisted pregnancies such as IVF (In vitro fertilization) and IUI (Intrauterine insemination).

  • Hcg level is crucial during pregnancy, and a low level of hcg may even lead to pregnancy loss. Therefore, women with low hcg levels are recommended hcg injections to sustain pregnancy.

  • HCG also helps sustain pregnancy by supporting the uterine lining to thicken, which is essential for the growth and development of the placenta and embryo.

In Males

  • Hcg helps address hypogonadism and infertility in males by inducing the testes to increase the production of testosterone, which is essential for sexual and masculine development. Hcg also helps increase the size of gonads (male reproductive organs).

  • Testosterone is also useful for males with low sperm count, as it helps increase the sperm count.

  • HCG is also useful for addressing Cryptorchidism, a birth defect in male children where either one or both the testes don't descend into the scrotum from the abdomen.

Note: Other than addressing the above-mentioned condition, people also use hcg for a weight loss regimen. However, it has not been approved by the FDA. You must always consult an expert before you start using hcg for weight loss.

Things to know before using Lupi-HCG 5000 Injection

Although there are numerous benefits of Lupi-HCG 5000 Injection, there are certain things you should be watchful of before you start administering it. This would help you attain maximum benefits and mitigate risks, if any.

  • You must let your doctor know if you have any allergy to the active or inactive ingredients of hcg.

  • Inform your healthcare expert of any medical condition you might have, particularly asthma, kidney, liver, and heart issues, cancer of the breast, uterus, or ovary, hormones-related issues, migraine, epilepsy, etc.

  •  Let your healthcare provider know of all the medications you might be taking, including prescription, non-prescription, herbal, and health supplements.

  • Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or a nursing mother.

  • You must adhere to your doctor’s guidelines and stick to the recommended dosage. Do not deviate from the treatment span, or else it may cause adverse effects.

  • Consult your doctor to learn how to reconstitute the powdered hcg with the solvent. The injection should be administered by a healthcare expert at a clinic or hospital.

  • Do not take the injection yourself unless you know how to administer it correctly. Otherwise, you could hurt yourself.

  • Ensure to dispose of the needles and syringes in a special sharp container. If you don’t have one, ask your pharmacist.

Side Effects of HCG

Every medication has some adverse effect or the other, and Lupi-HCG 5000 Injection is no different. The common side effects of hcg do not need medical attention and will wean off on their own when the body gets accustomed to the medication. Some of the common side effects of hcg are as mentioned below:

  • Pain, bulge, itching, and redness at the injection site

  • Headache, fatigue, and depression

  • Weight gain, enlarged breasts

The serious side effects of hcg are uncommon, but some people may get to witness them. If you come across any of the serious side effects mentioned below, you must immediately contact your doctor.

  • Stomach ache, severe pelvic pain or bloating

  • Nausea, vomiting

  • A feeling of confusion and extreme dizziness

  • Swelling of the hands or feet

  • Indigestion or upset stomach

  • Blood clot or numbness of the arms and feet

  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)

  • Trouble breathing, changes in the volume of urine


Hcg has been a game changer for millions, it has helped treat infertility and enabled couples to become parents. It has helped males with testosterone deficiency by boosting testosterone levels and fertility. Millions of females have been able to achieve motherhood with the help of hcg. Various individuals use hcg along with an hcg diet to shed extra weight, but that is quite a risk. Always seek your doctor’s advice before using it for any condition.


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